Sleepbus Coffs Harbour Pink Bus fundraiser
Due to bus fitout commitments for sleepbuses Pink Sleepbus for Coffs Harbour fundraiser has ceased.Sleepbus Coffs Harbour Pink Bus fundraiser
Laps for Naps will commence 1st July as a swimming fundraiser for Pink SleepBus Coffs Harbour. To get involved or to donate please contact Doris Cowan or kee0 updated on SleepBus Coff Harbour Facebook pagePink Sleepbus Coffs Harbour
Pink sleepbus fundraiaing is now underwater to bring a bus to Coffs Harbour for emergency accommodation for women and children only. There are many ways you can get involved by swimming Laps for NAPS in July, volunteering for fund-raising or donating.Sleep Bus
Doris and her 3R's Community Group are on a mission to bring sleep bus to Coffs Harbour to help with homeless. Doris needs $100,000 to make this happen. If you are an individual, business or sole trader please help this become a reality.I'm fundraising for...
A sleepbus to start in Coffs Harboir NSW. Where on average 700 people a night are sleeping rough and there is a rental crisis.Thank you to my Sponsors


Boambee Gardens Estate Craft Group
Donation from Boambee Gardens Estate Craft Group made up of about 10 ladies from the village Knitting blankets, shrugs, chiildrens clothing, covered coat hangers, scarfs, beanies selling on stalls within the village to our residents.


Janie Bourne


Nicole Stark
An important cause, happy to help 🥰

Jean Clulow

Great cause. Love your active commitment to a great cause

Every dollar counts

Love your work Doris

Clift Jodie
Good on you Michael

Kim Towner
Thank you Doris. Your focus and energy for helping to alleviate others difficulties is amazing 💕🙏💕


Love your work Doris

Love your work Doris

Well done Doris 🙏💜🙏


Cath Fowler

Eco Beach Coffs Coast
Well done Michael and Team, what a great contribution to our community in need.,

Gabriela Batiste
Well Done Doris

Ann Gee
