Maroochydore pink sleepbus

Maroochydore pink sleepbus

Maroochydore pink sleepbus

Getting two sleepbus® to Maroochydore would be a valuable asset to our community and would make a huge difference to those sleeping rough. We have already successfully been fundraising for the blue bus, and all inclusive bus, and now we are turning our attention to a second pink bus. Pink sleepbus are for women only (and their children). 

Each pink sleepbus® has up to 20 secure, climate controlled, individual sleep pods in twin cabins, each with a lockable door and toilet; everyone is looked after with overnight security and CCTV surveillance; there is also under bus storage for belongings, a cosy place for companion animals and even a twin cabin for our overnight volunteers. 

Join our team (link in header) to help fundraise or donate either directly using the form above, or click on one of our team members below to donate to their fundraiser.
Together we can do this! 

Thank you to our Sponsors




Heller Foundation


Sunshine Coast Community Enterprises




Caloundra Bridge Club




Anne, Goodlife Church

Hi Mark, thanks for speaking at our service at Goodlife Church this morning. This donation is from me, on behalf of Ruth Jeffs & Goodlife (Ruth is my manager at Lifehouse, where I volunteer, she does so much to help others, as you do too, thank you SO much for helping others. Regards, Anne K.


Clear Ice Supplies


Donna Gardner

Thank you for trying to help the local homeless community, especially women and children,


Julie Maddock


Philippa Bennett

Well done on all that you do. Love this sleepbus idea for our community. On behalf of all the staff at BlueCare merry Christmas. Here is our donation from our Christmas hampers we raffled off.




Veronica Tedman

A great cause being homeless myself once as a female know the feeling to find safe shelter would love to help more








Jules Morton

We shouldn't need this but as we do, I think it is fantastic. Thank you.


Christine Coombs


Villa Prestige Properties

Thank you! A great Job!!


Rob Wallace




Wayne Faulkner

Sorry it couldn’t be more





What a fantastic initiative Helping so many people who don’t have a home of their own



You are a true blessing. You give hope. You give people a chance to shine. We love your work.


Susan Trevena


Heather Manders

A big thank you to your organisation for this great iniative.


Parata Mclennan Whanau



Great initiative


Derek Wotton


Phillipa Pike


Fred Westera



We may need more Sleepbuses, given the lack of affordable properties to rent


Dianne Yaxley

Such a good cause. Wishing all the homeless a comfortable festive season. Bless you all.


Gsmble Family Lychees


Sam Nield

Christmas gift as wished by Graeme Vine


Frank & Ian




Scott Mellis



Great idea. I would like to hear how successful it pans out.




Kidra Nidr? Sunshine Coast


Oshc Community Club

Thank you community club




Janet Allard


Carol Noble






Karla Williams


Karen Webb


Tamie Wallace


Jeremy Smith

What a great idea! Well done to get to the first bus.


Colleen Tonkes

Congratulations on an amazing idea which will make such a difference


Fiona Blond



What a great project. All the best.


Mandy Lupton


Lois Carlson

Doing a great job Tara and volunteers.



Great idea, I hope you not only reach your target but go further than that. Good luck, Patricia


Alexandra & Janet Bryant


Lin Stanton


Corinne Renault


Emma Mccormack



You're doing a great job!



Thank you sooooooo much for your work and support of this service



Amazing work guys 😁👍🏼


Denise Williams

Thank you for all you are doing to help the homeless.


Kate Wood


Marie Mcnamara


Emma Whitmore



I've been there, I understand the fear, the shame, the panic and uncertainty. I'm so very thankful that services like this are now appearing. I hope I'm never in this situation again. But nothing in this life is certain. Thank you for doing what you are doing. This is incredible.


Prudence Dwyer



Thank you for putting these buses in place


Dionne Pittori

this donation is from 2 people Dionne Pittori and Margherita Willimczyk for the Yoga Nidra event




Christine Kavanagh

Awesome 💜


Mexican Tucka

great jobs to all involved



A great initiative, thanks for your efforts




Kass Briggs


Bridget Hallam

Hi Simon & sons Thank you for all the work you do. Cheers, Bridget


Col Speedy



What a wonderful small step towards making a better life for these guys.


Kayela Tilstra


Alysia Stoner

Absolutely amazing idea for the homeless im currently homeless myself and knowing there’s somewhere safe to sleep like the sleepbus makes things a lil less stressful in these hard times




Barb Aasen

yoga nidra event




Clair Pinks


Chris Burnley


Andrew Fleischer




Diana Davidson


Tracey Jones


Mandula Barta




Donna Gardner

Donation to yoga meditation Saturday 5 June


Erika Ermacora


Miss Tc Bollaan




Tiarna Gina Marie Beazleigh


Penny Robertson


Erika Ermacora


Aaron Hedstrom-wiggins

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