Cath Sheppard

sleepbus® PJ-Palooza

Sleepbus PJ-Palooza Redcliffe fundraiser

It’s not ok to let someone sleep on the street, thats why, with your help, we can do something about it.

I’ve chosen to support sleepbus®, who provide a safe, temporary overnight accomodation service, getting people off the street by offering an immediate, first stop, cost-effective solution for our society’s most vulnerable, catching them early until they can get back on their feet.

You can see a full tour of a sleepbus® here:


I hope you can support my fundraising campaign. As they say at sleepbus®, 'sleep changes everything', and I want to provide as many safe sleeps as I can. 

  • 100% of donations go to providing safe sleeps

  • sleepbus® is an Australian registered Charity. All donations over $2 are tax deductible

  • A safe sleep on sleepbus® is FREE for guests and costs $10 to provide.

  • You can track the number of safe sleeps provided for one or all sleepbus® Services on sleepbusLIVE





Thank you to my Sponsors


Sue Leo Hart

Well done all for a very good cause.


Rowan And Jan Brownette

Hope you’ve got some winter woolies!


Emma And Andrew Biviano

Wonderful cause. Great effort


Mary Crutcher

Good luck Cath




Ray Steel


Cath Sheppard


Sally Mackenzie

Good on you Aunty Cath


Felicity Sheppard

Proud of you!




Katie M

Good work Aunty Cathy!

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